Laravel 4 Installation

Step 1

To Install Laravel-Piwik using Composer, the Default method for Laravel, add RobBrazier\Piwik to composer.json:

        "require": {
                "RobBrazier/Piwik": "~2.0"

Step 2

Then, add 'RobBrazier\Piwik\PiwikServiceProvider' and 'Piwik' => 'RobBrazier\Piwik\Facades\Piwik' to app/config/app.php:

'providers' = array(


'aliases' = array(
        'Piwik' => 'RobBrazier\Piwik\Facades\Piwik',

Step 3

Next, move the config out of the package, so that it doesn’t get overwritten on each update:

php artisan config:publish robbrazier/piwik

Step 4

Update your packages by running composer update

Step 5

Finally, go to app/config/packages/robbrazier/piwik/config.php and add your config settings such as server, username, password, apikey etc.